An Oggy Oggy Pasty

A lot of blogs are filled to bursting with rants and moans about this company or that product. So today, by way of change, I thought I’d bring you a success story which, as the title suggests, is about The Oggy Oggy Pasty Company, specifically about their branch in Glasgow.


Because the staff are friendly, efficient and put the customer first. Which whilst it’s nothing particularly startling, still demands praise.

Now, take your usual lunchtime food outlet, a Greggs or local sandwich shop for example. You stand in line, and by the time you reach the front of the queue, and can finally see everything that is on offer, you MUST place your order immediately: “WHADDYA WANT?” This is usually said in a tone that suggests that if you don’t place your order in the next three seconds, somewhere a kitten will meet a brief yet painful death. Probably in a blender.

In a panic you point randomly at the counter, and blurt out “EYELLAVETHATONE”, then watch with horror as the smoked salmon, pickle and banana baguette you’ve just ordered is thrust into a one-size-too-small bag. Then, once you’ve paid and as soon as the change touches the palm of your hand, the person who served you is yelling at the next person in the queue: “WHADDYA WANT?”

Yes, I know they are busy but it would take the smallest of efforts to improve their customer service, and save numerous kittens.

So when I walk into Oggy Oggy, and I’m greeted with a smile and a hello — not a “whaddya want?” — it’s like a little ray of sunshine has entered my lunchtime. I’m given time to peruse the goods on offer, and when I’m ready to order I don’t have to spend five minutes trying to get the attention of the staff, they are right there, keeping busy but aware that I will need served.

I’m thanked for my order. When they give me my change they place the notes in my palm first, then the coins (a personal bug-bear I know), they ask me if I would like the pasty double-bagged to keep it warm, and when I leave they smile and say goodbye.

They don’t upsell (would you like the larger pasty?) or try any add-on sales (would you like a drink as well?), they just let you order what you want, safe in the knowledge that good customer service goes a long way. Or at the very least it seems like thats what they think and, as the customer, that’s all I’m bothered about.

The fact that the pasties are delicious, come in many varied flavours (sweet and savoury), and that they have a loyalty card (get your tenth pasty free) only adds to the feelgood factor. Hmmm, that’s not entirely right of course, if the pasties were rubbish then all the good sales techniques in the world wouldn’t help but, as the pasties are like little parcels of baked heaven, you get my point.

So I say BRAVO to The Oggy Oggy Pasty Company and in particular, the owner of it’s Glasgow franchise. If you are ever in Glasgow and find yourself on Gordon Street, keep an eye out for it (come out of the north entrance of Central Station, turn right and head for Borders. It’s on your left once you’ve crossed the road), or maybe there’s one near you?

Now, I wonder if they do a haggis version in their English stores?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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