
Reading time: 3 mins I’m old enough to have acquired some wisdom along the way, or at the very least some life experience, to know that life won’t always be completely shit. When I was younger I used to think my life was kinda shit. Like all young adults I had dreams and aspirations, which of course all stemmed […]

Any photo will do

Reading time: 4 mins When my parents announced they were selling the family home and moving to a flat I can remember the feeling of disbelief that fell on me. Their reasoning was sound, it was a couple of years after my Mum had a stroke and she was struggling to get up and down two flights of stairs […]

Saying goodbye to Jennie

Reading time: 4 mins It was my sister’s funeral this afternoon. She died suddenly and unexpectedly a few weeks ago and today was a celebration of her smile, her laughter, and the vivid grasp of life she held for so many years which, sadly, slipped away from her more and more this past year or so. I somehow managed […]

Life update

Reading time: 2 mins It’s almost the end of January (how!) and suffice to say that life has been continuing at full speed. Plans to post more regularly (weekly) remain idealistic, but given everything else going on I’m not stressing about it. So, what is going on? Well, we are in the process of clearing my Mum’s flat to […]


Reading time: 2 mins Blah blah resolutions blah blah blah. But actually, as a marker and an excuse to set things in motion I am using this new year to try and get my mindset and motivation back to tackle my old nemesis, my fitness. Largely, these days, because I’m starting to run out of energy to keep up […]

Merry Christmas

Reading time: < 1 min Wishing you a season filled with warmth, joy, and the magic of togetherness. May your days be merry, your nights peaceful, and the year ahead full of promise and happiness. Here’s to a festive season that shines bright with kindness and goodwill! Thanks ChatGPT! But seriously, I hope you all have a peaceful time, can […]