This or that!

Reading time: < 1 min Ever get to the stage when you have so much to do, you really don’t know where to start, so you end up starting about 6 or 7 major things and then you start wondering why you think you are getting a little stressed. I can see why people turn to drink.

Tell me why

Reading time: < 1 min Wouldn’t it be better not to discuss a forthcoming re-design and just do it (tm I think…?) a la Also – why do I think my site needs to be ‘cool’ and ‘design-ey’. Hmmmm. It’s Monday, I could tell when I woke up and the hassles at work only confirmed it for me…oh and […]

Organic design

Reading time: < 1 min Dammit, dammit, dammit. Stop start re-design… to the extent where I started to wonder if I could build that in as a feature… a kind of organic website, constantly under design. Then I realised I’m too lazy. There is something comforting about Sundays, the church bell chiming the hour is a nice touch, hopefully when […]

Sleep for change

Reading time: < 1 min The sun is gone, and we need a good thunderstorm to a. clear the muggy air and b. keep my wife happy (she lives for torrential rain…well anything water related). I’ve started tracking my moods to my sleep patterns. I must start getting regular sleep. If you’ve got 31 days holiday left, what do you […]


Reading time: < 1 min McBeal appeal. Just finished watching it, I still don’t know why it hits home, every week there is something that jars me and I think “Damn that’s right!”. They are beginning to inspire me to write some stuff (after a healthy absence). Oh, still trying to get my re-direct changed, and the re-design is still […]