Double Trouble
Reading time: < 1 min Happy Birthday to L – 21? Damn should’ve checked. All the best anyway, pressie will be waiting the next time you come up.
Reading time: < 1 min Happy Birthday to L – 21? Damn should’ve checked. All the best anyway, pressie will be waiting the next time you come up.
Reading time: < 1 min Happy Birthday to the Big Chuffer! I hope the coming year is as good as the last one. Stirling was OK. Hungover. Still. Bummer. Mind you at least I didn’t run ‘over’ a car… tut tut tut… LOL. Holiday in a week’s time. A week of no work. In fact probably a week of not […]
Reading time: < 1 min Foot in mouth disease is a terrible thing. Thankfully this time it wasn’t me, but it’s always worrying when someone says SomeTHiNG without (obviously) thinking about it. Result – one upset person, one conversation and more than likely no improvement. We’ll see if any effect is filtered down to me, but it has been a […]
Reading time: < 1 min Survived footie. Night out (company thing) in Stirling, should be fun, haven’t been drunk for ages! I’ve downloaded NextStart in another step to finding a system I can use – very customisable, skinnable etc etc. Might even lead to me rekindle my interest in design software skins, but not until I’ve finished the website re-design… […]
Reading time: < 1 min Finishing post in sight… maybe… the re-design deadline is the end of the month… LOL So, anyone got any petrol? Scary stuff this, and beginning to get out of control, I’ve read a couple of reports of ambulances without petrol, not good. On a lighter note – MSN Messenger has enabled me to have a […]
Reading time: 2 mins “That is not the way to make policy in Britain and as far as I am concerned it never will be.” – Tony Blair. Totally agree Tony. Well said. We can’t have a government that is dictated to, that’s the entire point in voting, elections and the democratic process. Slight problem though, aren’t the people […]