Round up the usual suspects

I love movies. I love the thrill of them, the cinematography, the way they move you, the way they lift you up and make you soar, or the way they quietly affect you and alter your point of view.

I love big ridiculous blockbusters, loaded with special effects and noises, that don’t care about plot lines or character development, which require you to check your sense of disbelief in at the door.

I love subtle, story-driven movies that pull you along, relying on subtle emotions and plot points to convey a simple message.

I love complex thrillers, twisting and turning, bemusing me as I second guess the next scene, leaving me gasping at the final reveal.

I love old movies, caught in times past, evoking the glamour of Hollywood in lavish technicolour.

There are very few movies I won’t watch. Horror and I don’t get on too well but we have an agreement (I don’t choose to watch them very often, but when I do they try and be smart about how they scare me). And some movies just aren’t really anything, they’re aren’t bad enough to be addictive (all bad things are addictive!) nor good enough to stick in my brain.

I love movies.

Although I fear the tense has changed.

The problem is … and I guess it’s time I confess … well … you see, the thing about movies and I is … well we seem to have had a falling out. One of those “he said”, “she said” arguments that never lead anywhere and start from nothing. I’m not sure how it happened really, I can’t pinpoint it but, well, I guess sometimes you just move on, eh?

Thing is … and don’t tell the movies this… but I kinda miss them, I don’t want to move on. I miss the anticipation, I miss the stories, I miss the happy endings, the sad endings, the laughing and the crying.

Awww to heck with it, movies, if you are out there, and you are listening, please PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!!! Maybe one of my old friends will hear my plea… Shawshank for example, he was always pretty dependable…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Indiana Jones, May twenty-second!

If that can’t bring you and movies back together, I don’t know what will.

Ach you’re just not trying! Go and see “There Will be Blood”. That should get your cinematic mojo back!

So, no-one spotted the movie reference in the title?? sheesh.

mum says:

My best find on the ‘funny’ channels is Turner movies – every movie I have ever wanted to see is there. Even taped ‘The Malta Story’ today, black and white, made in 1953 using the original war rooms that you can still see today – you can sit in Churchill or Roosevelt or Montgomery’s chair – and Valetta harbour has to be one of the wonders of the world. All this on an island smaller than the Isle of Wight. Alec Guiness, Jack Hawkins,Dame Flora Robson and every other post war actor you could name – they don’t make ’em like that any more! Sorry got a bit carried away there – it’s the medication.

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