
Promises, promises.

Stagnant is probably the wrong word, but that’s what it feels like. Same old, same old. Get up, go to work, go home, have dinner, watch TV (or sit at the PC), go to bed.

Not been to T’ai Chi yet, nor found anywhere to play basketball. Have started playing 5-a-side weekly, but that’ll stop as I’ve got an inflamed tendon in my foot. My exercise cycle always seems to go like this. Starting exercising, get an injury, stop exercising.

We are both wanting to do more, time isn’t too much of a constraint, money is, but that’s nothing new. We need to break the routine. Do SomeTHiNG!

I wasn’t sure if I was slipping back down, going back to that horrible place that scares me so much. I think I am still adjusting to the move back north, to seeing family so often, and to being accessible for family occasions. It’s not always easy though. I think I’m fighting off a bug, which isn’t helping as all I seem to want to do is sleep. I feel lethargic a lot, is that lack of exercise, or my mind bogging me down.

I said, a while back, that I didn’t think this site would survive much longer. Right now, I think it will, mainly as a release. I hadn’t reckoned on the up and down so much. I just hope I don’t start taking Louise with me. The problem is coping. I can take-each-day-as-it-comes for only so long, eventually it grinds. Rage comes in, and starts motivating, but that’s the last stage, I’m not near that now, but it is coming, I can feel it. Anger, annoyance, and disgust. All aimed by me, at me. That’s what gets me most annoyed, should it be the way? Who knows? If you do please let me know.

Back to basics is the current thought in my mind. Get the basics sorted out. Create a more varied routine, vary that, and work from there. Eat properly, sleep properly, work properly. Then exercise, socialise and grow. Basic. Isn’t it funny how life doesn’t support that, how it keeps finding a way to drag you back, to complicate. Still, you get what you give, isn’t that right? You reap what you sow. Hindsight sucks.

Just spotted a basic flaw in my thinking, how can you create a varied routine?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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