Xmas is here

This weekend we have mostly been finishing off our Xmas shopping (almost done, almost), carting boxes of stuff into and out of the loft, and converting our living room into Santa’s Grotto. Sort of.

I even postponed my Sunday morning run so we could hit B&Q early.

Well, that’s not true. I HAD planned to go for a run but, halfway down the road, I realised I’d left my running shoes in the house. I normally wear them to drive down to the park, taking a spare pair with me but, as I’d been for a run on Saturday (can anyone say 5.4k!!) they were a bit muddy, so I thought I’d wear my spare pair and change when I got there. I’m a diddy.

Still, it did mean that we got round B&Q and Au Naturale and were home again by 1.30pm. That gave me time to cut four pieces of wood (batons for shelves in the kitchen), cut a piece of hardboard to go down the back of the TV to hide the cables, paint two shelves, four batons, one piece of hardboard, hang up three set of lights, and generally return the house to some sort of order.

The main reason we were in B&Q was to buy a set of outdoor Xmas lights. Louise would LOVE to do the house up like something out of an American movie (think Home Alone), but thankfully common sense prevails… or at least I roll my eyes and refuse to buy 100m of rope light. However we did both spot, separately, a set we liked. If you’ve seen the B&Q advert on telly you’ll know what ones – a small set of Xmas pressies that would sit nicely under the tree in the front garden. Not flashy, TOO tacky or ‘gaudy’. Ideal.

Except B&Q don’t sell them. What the feck is the point of that!! So far my google-fu is failing me but I’ll find ’em!

Plenty to do though… I’ve still to move the elliptical trainer into the garage, move the reindeer into the front garden, install an outside power junction and get the Xmas decorations up in the hall. However that’ll all have to wait as, and I’d kinda forgot about this, tomorrow we get a new front and back door!

Currently, and it’s especially telling on days like today where it’s blowing a gale, we get a bad draft coming from the hall. This is likely because you can see daylight between the door and the frame. Not good. So we’ve splashed out some savings to get a new front door and, while we were at it, we’ll get a new back door too. Why not.

So, that was pretty much my weekend. We’re ALMOST all Christmas’d up, and I’m ALMOST able to forget about it until after the 5K fun run next week. Almost.

How was yours?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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