
I’ve often considered either switching this site or launching a new one which dealt with my professional interests and opinions, a la zeldman.

Trouble is I’m not sure how many people would care, and how to narrow down what I do so as not to tread into too many areas. Writing, Grammar, Evolution of language, UI design, HCI, web design and usability, educating users, etc etc – the list is endless. That’s one of the joys of being a Technical Communicator – you get to do LOADS of different things, unfortunately it is assumed that you don’t do any of them as well as a ‘qualified’ professional (except the writing bit that is).

Sigh, now I just need to get up enough motivation. Ohh and to check that I can post some stuff without getting slapped by anyone at work … lol.

I also need to start going to bed at a reasonable time and stop reading work emails at 11:46pm! And with that thought in mind, night all!

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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