
Reading time: < 1 min And finally… have some ‘stuff’ going on. Some of it me, some of it a loved one. Will need a while to sort it out in my head, and it will be a couple of weeks before we talk about it. We will get through it, and be stronger and wiser for it, but I […]


Reading time: < 1 min Synaptic Impulse (via wee david) – has to be the member of the most blog rings I’ve seen..

wee site

Reading time: < 1 min – N2S: Visit more often – a nice new look for wee david… he beat me to the CSS compliant design!


Reading time: < 1 min Xmas shopping. Jeepers. Watched Hannibal, and The Beach. Hannibal was OK… was a more ‘traditional’ thriller, but again Hopkins excels as Lecter. Julianne Moore was good, but didn’t bring the same vulnerable side of Starling into play much. The Beach was… OK… but so far detached from the book that I can understand why a […]

Brand New Bag

Reading time: < 1 min What’s Your Theme Song? Mine is “(WOAWWW….) I Feel Good… (dunna dunna dunna dun) by James Brown y’all… And funnily enough it DOES make me feel good, the power of music ehh? I can go home with a smile on my face now!


Reading time: < 1 min Quiet week so far. Christening on Sunday, followed bad news on Saturday. A friend’s brother was killed. Funeral on Friday. Seems to have tainted my week so far. Quiet and detached at best.