
I’m sure you’ve all noticed by now that it is, without a shadow of doubt, December.

If nothing else, the ceaseless adverts for perfume, chocolate and some really REALLY faked Christmases (c’mon, does ANYONE have a Christmas like the ones on the telly?) should have clued you in.

There is no denying it. It is most definitely Christmas.

Which means two things.

1. The Christmas decorations will go up this weekend, and I’ll spend as much time as I can avoiding doing just that.

2. Blogs all over the land will start their ‘best of’ lists and recaps.

Except this one.

I thought I’d state it right now just in case any of you are waiting with baited breath, because it ain’t gonna happen. Now matter how many times I consider it, and I’ve tried it a couple of times in the past, I just never seem to have the time (or the inclination if I’m honest).

Instead, let us look forward to 2010, the year where a new sun will be borne from the ashes of Jupiter (we shall call it Lucifer) and.. ohh wait, that’s the book.

As ever, life will bring what it will bring, so I probably won’t be doing a lot of “looking forward” either, and it’s much easier to live in the here and now, don’t you think?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Generated image of a Scottish landscape and the words NEW YEAR on a banner



Santas Little Helper! says:

G you are a Bah Humbug!

The reason we don’t have Christmas the way it used to be is because people don’t enter in to the spirit of things, make a fool of themselves and have a good old laugh!

Personally I love Christmas and it would be excellent if it was like you see on TV, not too commercial, sing songs, snow, games etc…

I have said I would like to organise an old fashioned Christmas Do, but my husband said he won’t participate, didn’t you dear!!

Merry Christmas folks!

Ian's Mum says:

Good one! Game, Set and Match, ‘Little Helper

mum says:

You forgot the third thing – mum makes trifle.

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