
I’m a planner. I plan. It’s what I do. I’ve always found planning and designing more fun than doing. I am the guy who can take multiple ideas and stream them into one thing. I am largely INTJ. I’m quite happy being that person.

However it doesn’t sit well with the fact that I (largely) don’t trust other people to do things the way I want them done. Tha sounds worse than it really is, so let’s just say that some people do things in a way that I find odd. I’m sure those people say the same about me. So with my desire to plan and my tendency to want to do things my way, in my own time… well… things can take a little time to get done. Take, for example, the shelves in our kitchen.

When we moved in there was a multitude of things to do, and we decided to do things in a certain order. The redecorating was done first, then smaller jobs that would make the house more ‘live-able’ were tackled later. In the kitchen there was a gap of about a foot between the end of the kitchen units and the wall. It was crying out for some shelving and after some measuring up my Dad provided the wood. All I had to do was drill a few holes, cut a few batons, and so on. Not a big job.

Yet the wood for the shelves lay around our house for 4 years, being moved around as we shuffled rooms, stubbing toes and generally getting in the way wherever I moved them. There is no good reason that I didn’t put them up for that length of time. I just didn’t.

But I digress.

You see, I have this week all planned, mainly because it’s what I do, and largely because it’s my way of ‘coping’ whilst Louise is away. No I don’t mean I can’t ‘cope’, I’m perfectly capable of cooking, cleaning and… what’s that chore called where you use the hot thingy to make your clothes flat…

Of course, plans are all well and good but sometimes, frequently as it happens, the “can be bothereds” get in the road. But that doesn’t stop me planning. It’s what I do.

So, for the record, and because typing it up helps me with the planning exercise, here is my plan for the week.

Tonight I’m going home and going to sleep. Louise had to check in at 5.30 yesterday morning, so I’m still a little tired (mainly because I find it hard to sleep when she’s not there… yeah yeah, whatever). Ohh actually, that’s a lie. I’ve got a design brief to knock up THEN I’m going to bed.

Tomorrow morning I’m going to go for that early morning run* that I kinda missed this morning, and I’ll probably do little else in the evening other than crash out to watch Celtic vs AC Milan.

The next day I’ll be out for my usual Wednesday evening run*, and yes, there is more footie on the TV.

I’ve got Thursday off (well, I’m reclaiming it as I worked on Sunday) and as such have a list of things I want to get done. I have a new light to fit in the bathroom, the Airport Express to reconfigure (I’ve not touched it since I got the wireless router installed), some fence panels and a concrete pillar to break up and take to the dump, and a couple of other things as well. It really depends on the weather. Ohh and possibly lunch with a couple of friends. Maybe. Not sure my bank account will stretch that far this month!

On Friday night I’m out with.. well I guess they are “mates” now as “ex-colleagues” doesn’t sound right, it’s far too impersonal, although I’m not sure how long I’ll last as I’m planning to go for another early morning run*.

And on Saturday we are clearing out my Gran’s flat. She’s currently in a home in Rutherglen, and is moving to Dumbarton sometime this week. That’ll save my Mum trekking across Glasgow to see her, and from what I can gather the home is a bit nicer as well.

Then as Sunday morning rolls around, and after my usual morning run*, I’ll be heading back to the airport to pick up my darling wife.

I’ve also got some other chores/tasks that will churn along in the background. You know the type of thing, going to work, buying groceries and whatnot. Ohh yes, sleeping and eating too. I’m also planning on getting a post nominated for Post of the Week.

Ahh yes, there is a REASON my week is planned, a good reason that my week is over optimistically filled with tasks. It’s all because Sunday cannot come soon enough.

* Quite a few runs this week, I wonder why

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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hans stolte says:

I see the goat i lent you is not featured in this weeks plans, can i have him back please, and my Tan underwear.

Cheers. H

I feel ridiculously soppy having read this. I blame you.

Are all bloggers INTJ-ers,
or is it just most of us?

No, just most of us I think!

hans stolte says:

No your not, your on the Autistic Spectrum. Same thing really nowadays…. 🙂

*is not an INTJ-er*

<mumble>You won’t be nominated on POTW, as you’re in “the crew”, and thus disbarred (like me) from being nominated/shortlisted/mentioned.</mumble>

Oh, and apparently I’m an INTP (but that was done damn’ quickly, and is thus not overly trustworthy)

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