And just like that, I’m back at work…
My family came over on Friday night and off we headed to a local hotel (Avonbridge) for a birthday dinner for Louise. Great food, shockingly bad service. We didn’t even bother staying for dessert, instead grabbing some Equi’s on the way home (Equi’s is a local ice cream parlour who make THE most delicious double cream ice cream… if you are ever in the area give it a try).
Saturday and with Louise off out visiting babies, I did some work, caught up on some of the Glastonbury acts, did a little painting (still finishing off the hall, with everything taking at least one more coat than we thought), did a little shopping and generally pottered around, drinking far too many cups of coffee. An excellent Saturday.
I picked up the new White Stripes album and, partly through word of mouth, impulse bought Justice’s album Cross. Both are ace for entirely different reasons. The latter is.. ohhh probably called Electro-dance-pop or somesuch and is hugely catchy, the former a return to form for Meg and Jack White (a recent article in one of the Sunday papers hinted at such). I’ve still to listen, in any depth, to Alison Krausse and Calvin Harris.
I also installed the Firebug extension for Firefox without which I wouldn’t have been able to finish for.. eh… Bob. But I did, and I’m glad that he likes it.
Sunday and my original plans of lazing about doing feck all were altered slightly and I spent most of my day, either precariously balanced on a slightly wobbly set of ladders, my head about 13ft from the stairs on which they were perched, or walking out along a plank of wood perched between the top stair and a rung on said wobbly set of ladders, whilst painting a stairwell ceiling and walls. I’m not a big fan of heights (or more accurately, not a big fan of possibly falling from said height) so it was more than a little stressful. Being tall has downsides.
And the real kicker is that it wasn’t even our house! We were helping out my sister-in-law who has just had the inside of her entire house remodelled. Her living room is bigger, she’s had a downstairs loo installed (sorry “cloakroom”), the bathroom upstairs is now twice the size, new stairs, and every wall in the living room and stairwell was replastered. Needless to say there was a LOT of painting needing done and it’s times like these when family really count. We arrived about 10.30am, and by 6.30pm we’d completed the whole place, two coats on most walls, three on the ceilings.
We left completely and utterly knackered but with a healthy glow of satisfaction beaming from our faces… or perhaps that was just the fine spray of ‘amber dusk’ from the roller.
How was your weekend?
Happy Birthday to Louise. I wish I was in my mid thirties!
Weekends improve as you get older. We went to Troon on friday had a curry on a friend’s yacht also a lot of the red stuff. sailed to Millport on saturday had cremated food with same friends, most of it went to the ferocious seagulls, they can swallow spare ribs whole! More red stuff! Sailed back on Sunday. This weekend sail meant just that very little fuel used. Some people that you know fed the cat who was furious with us when we got back. Don had bought a chart plotter which you would enjoy,Gordon, it seems to do everything but does not make the tea unfortunately. We are so busy looking at it I am in mortal fear of hitting another boat.
I bought ‘The Travelling Willburys’. Only one left alive….Heh Ho! Enjoy your mid thirties it sure does fly past.
I hope I can have a Curry on a Yacht when I’m Thirty!
HAppy Birthday to Louise and have fun 🙂
Why did you have to mention Equi’s????
I’m 120 miles away from it, now! Craaaaaving!
(was a favourite when I was at G Uni)
Ooh, I spent a lot of the weekend listening to the new White Stripes album, interpersed with the Cold War Kids. Excellent choice, my friend!
Busy day on Friday starting to clear out garage – a favourite job we have been putting off for about 7 years. Sunday saw us in a neighbour’s garden in a plastic gazebo for our annual ‘Street BBQ’ The actual BBQ was in their garage 100 yards away, which meant that within an hour or two there was a wet soggy path worthy of Glastonbury between the two. It must have been almost 5 degrees by 7 o’clock but we couldn’t see the thermometer for the wind and rain – which at least kept the midgies at bay. We gave in at 10 p.m. but I believe some continued till the wee hours. Managed to feel warm again by about lunch time today when I took my vest off.
And vote for meeeee at Big Blogger. Please. Yes, I am shamelessly pimping for votes.
I think I would like James!
My weekend consisted of gathering a scattered weblog back into something resembling, whilst intermittingly complaining about the heat.
Your weekend sounds much better!
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