Reading time: < 1 min The girl went and done it! Hell, she even blogged on her wedding day! (admittedly it was 4 a.m.). This is the kind of wedding I want to get invited to! Way to go Michele!
Reading time: < 1 min The girl went and done it! Hell, she even blogged on her wedding day! (admittedly it was 4 a.m.). This is the kind of wedding I want to get invited to! Way to go Michele!
Reading time: < 1 min Shocking news. Isabella’s teddy bear is missing, presumed kidnapped! Get the latest news at Isabella’s teddy bear. (Bandwagon? Moi?)
Reading time: < 1 min 24 A stunning, fresh, fast paced [insert further numerous plaudits here] piece of television. So engrossing* that Louise and I stayed up all night on Saturday and watched it in one go. We started at 6:30pm and finished watching at about 11 a.m the next morning**. It is that good. If you didn’t catch it, […]
Reading time: < 1 min Part of the communityI’ve written a site review for a site I stumbled across via wander-lust (over there on the right). I won’t spoil it for you too much, but I will say this. It’s weird seeing your name on someone else’s site. I’ve just re-read my review and I kept thinking “Did I write […]
Reading time: < 1 min WorryingYou know that way, when you care so much about someone, that you get really angry at them for something that really isn’t that big a deal. Something like, say, not phoning anyone (friends or family) to tell them where you are after a night out. You know the way, don’t you? Yes I am […]