
Reading time: < 1 min Been meaning to link to this for a while. I dare you not to lose several hours in the bridge-builder game (on the left, scroll down a bit when you get there). Yeah, but is it art? .com

Like a new toy

Reading time: < 1 min Behind the times? Me? Never! OK, so I’m a week (ok several) behind on this one, but I must say I’m loving Google News. Especially since I found out that “There are no human editors at Google” because “The headlines that appear on Google news are selected entirely by computer algorithms”. Colour me impressed! (which […]

Twin me

Reading time: < 1 min Prompted by my, currently only, blog twin I give you The Blog Twinning Project. Go on, be my twin, the amount of respect, kudos and generally good feeling you will receive will be untold!

Reading time: < 1 min Poor AmericansAustrian lingerie poster too racy for New Yorkers – looks OK to me…

Reading time: < 1 min Clever ToysThere are many clever games and toys to be found on the internet, but this is the coolest. *The writing is on the fridge. * Apologies for the awful pun

Reading time: < 1 min Morning!No better way to start the day than to have a giggle. Head over to Blogatelle and enjoy On Flying.“Blue water Navy truism: There are more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky.”