Catching Up

(The following are not in any specific order, too much alcohol still in my system to be able to follow anything resembling order….)

Stuart has gone all Scandinavian on us (check those dates).
Vaughan posted on Christmas Day and is looking for human contact, or maybe he’s happy talking to his plants.
Mike’s Christmas card was funny, look at the joy on those faces!
Meg sums things up briefly, unlike my rambling monologue below.Pinky needs cheering up methinks (just don’t say Ho ho ho…)
Anna sets a record for the longest she’s ever NOT blogged (other than when she didn’t blog at all)
Caroline enjoyed the peace and quiet at Christmas, must try that some year.
Sarah wasn’t well at Christmas… awwww…
Nick is pondering purchasing a 17″ TFT screen , go on, someone buy him a late Xmas pressie!
Richard is still at his parents (I presume)
Lynn’s site is all festive.
Peter has announced the Top 10 Greatest Gay Britons (I know who I want to win!) and is looking for people to ‘promote’ their choice.
Jeremy is spending Christmas in the Loire Valley (v.nice!)
Jenny didn’t get to watch White Christmas (I hope she managed it later though), I blubbed my way through It’s a Wonderful Life as usual!!
Gert is partying hard and is “Almost as wild as Lorraine Kelly”…
Jennie got a keyboard too! (Yamaha like mine!)
J-mo got a new camera to take pictures of all the stuff she got that she doesn’t know where to put.. hmm that sounds familiar!
Michele followed the commandments of Homer (and Homer really does know best, and yes I am referring to the fat, bald yellow Mr Simpson not that Greek bloke)
Shelagh passed a milestone – Happy Birthday!
Julie had a wonderful Christmas Day which I’m glad after her recent troubles.
Owen keeps it simple but heartfelt I’m sure.
Jon survived the ‘not-so-frozen’ North and had a good time by all accounts.
Stacy says it with a rebus…
And Lyle discovers Russian Vodka Shot chocolates.


(Hmm who did I miss?)

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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