The wonderous world of the web…

Reading time: < 1 min The wonderous world of the web… Is a web of worldly wonders (yes I’ve been reading Dr.Seuss…) The question isn’t how, or who, but why? inter – Face (via I Love Everything)

Update your bookmarks

Reading time: < 1 min Finally got my domain to be ‘sticky’. Had to restructure things a bit but have redirects in place. If anything goes awry let me know!

Obvious truths

Reading time: < 1 min Also know as those ‘Doh’ moments when you realise something that is kinda obvious once pointed out, but you’d never really thought about. Criminals often revisit the scene of past crimes to steal the replacements you buy. It’s true, a policeman told Caterina all about it, and I have to admit I didn’t know/realise this […]

Isn't the web wonderful

Reading time: < 1 min Or, in other words, I’ve been trawling my referrer logs again. appeared and in the spirit of giving that is Xmas I’d like to point you guys over there (seems like the visual thesaurus went down well!)

Oh dear

Reading time: < 1 min Glasgow in danger of becoming Soho of the north I refuse to comment any further on this. 😉

Gollum gets an Oscar

Reading time: < 1 min The rise of ‘synthespians’ takes a look at the growing trend and acceptance of computer generated characters. Gollum (Lord of the Rings), Dobby (an elf in Harry Potter), Yoda (Star Wars), etc.