The one where I don't read any books

Some wise person once said “Best laid plans are soonest avoided”. Admittedly it may have been me…

My weekend was hiijacked by shopping (whilst we waited on the electricians finishing) so I have a couple of new shirts, a night out with our friends (and rather delicious steak!), and a car boot sale which included getting up in the middle of the night to get there, and having people peer into the back of your car the second you pull up. They had torches and everything, these are serious people, organised people, do NOT get in their road!

Also managed to fit a cat flap which Ollie has finally figured out how to use, although it will mean building a new back step (he’s climbing up some bricks at the moment to get to the flap), and through the joys of Sky+ I got to watch Scotland lose at rugby, Rangers steal a cup final from Dundee United, and a rather exciting Grand Prix.

I did not, however, read anything, nor start clearing out my bookshelves. Oh well, Louise is out on Wednesday night so I can crack on with that job when I’ve got the house to myself. Yes, yes, I could easily tackle the job when she is there but it means I need to limit the volume of “that crap music”… it’s much better if I wait until she is out, trust me.

A busy few weeks ahead, kitchen ‘stuff’ of course, plus Jimmy Carr this weekend and a trip back to the doctors to see about my high blood pressure. I’ve spent the last week adding no salt, reading labels on packets and generally being sensible about what I eat (if you discount the Toffee Crisp I had yesterday… hey, I’d been up since 4.30am!!). It’s not been too bad to be honest and I really hope it’s helped lower my blood pressure as I really REALLY don’t want more pills, I’ve still got two weeks of antibiotics to get through!

Not a bad weekend then, although looking at the weather today I wish I had the day off because the garden really really needs some attention! Anyone wanna bet it’s raining this weekend?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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