
Reading time: < 1 min Much as I am tempted to leave erroneously posted (double) comments I suppose I’d better delete them. But hey, who’s gonna know?


Reading time: < 1 min I’ve long preferred the hoops to the ..ehh… goals.. and being starved of NBA action is killing me, watching grainy 30-sec clips via the NBA website is NOT enough. So my parents to pity on me (and are inflicting this on Louise) and bought as tickets for the Harlem Globetrotters on April 15th. Should be […]


Reading time: < 1 min I’m not sure what or why, but for no other good reason I give you The Audi Olympics. Now if someone can explain (preferably Mr.Graber himself) I might get some sleep tonight. Ohh I should point out that it is funny too, not just weird funny, but ha ha funny.


Reading time: < 1 min (Hey, now you’ve got THAT tune stuck in your head) I’ve had a website (in various guises) since around 1996. The ‘blog’ started almost three years ago. I’ve tracked hits and referrers, sporadically, all along, and today marks a momentus(ish) occasion. Someone has finally found my website by searching for Flash Gordon (.com). About flippin’ […]

Breaking news

Reading time: < 1 min Reported sightings, as yet unsubstantiated by this reporter, of erroneous layout in this very site have been received. The ‘quote’ faction appears to be making headway into the main page despite efforts to thwart its advance. It is understood that a major assault may be underway, and a new division (div) will be added to […]

Time flies

Reading time: < 1 min The clocks have changed. Mine is now a big Mickey Mouse watch hanging from the wall…. 😉 Ohh and to all you Mothers – have a great day! (and to mine, I love you Mum, see you soon)