
It’ll be a day of short posts I’m afraid (or a couple of posts with lots of short bits in them). Splitting headache when I woke up. In fact I was in bed at 10.30pm last night (very early for me) and I still don’t feel like I’ve had any sleep. Can anyone say “head cold”? And yes I KNOW you can, it’s a figure of speech – see, the advantage of knowing your audience is knowing how many of you would add “head cold” as a comment.


Open letter to the guys at Google/GMail: Yes I KNOW I’ve got 1GB of storage space, but I refuse to fill it up with crap. THAT’S why I deleted some emails “forever”, and why I will continue to do so. I could do without the sarcastic “Who needs to delete when you have 1000 MB of storage?!” message. Thanks.


Presuming I’m not dead come 5pm, I have a night out tonight. Well a few drinks after work anyway. In fact I have two nights out tonight so will have to do some juggling. I’m just too popular.


Anyone else noticed that the Metro appears to be running a series of “How to be a chav/boyracer” articles? They are customising a Punto and in today’s Metro they also offered some suggestions of what to wear. Yes, it did include Burberry. I think this is an example of the writers at Metro NOT knowing their target audience which, I presume, is almost entirely made up of commuters on their way to work. Not any chavs or neds or [insert own local term for delinquents here].


Cake day today. Highlight of my working week. That’s a bad thing I think…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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