For all you writers

Reading time: < 1 min I include myself in this, having studied minimalism in technical writing: Take the Fat Out of Your Writing “Is your writing wobbly? Next time you take finger to word processor, think clarity, relevance, sincerity, concision and transparency.”

Hicky Burpday

Reading time: < 1 min The lady is another year wiser Happy Birthday Heather. Now I don’t know her from Adam (Eve?) but I have been visiting her site on and off since the early days (1999 or so). If you have never been, go and trawl through the archives for some wonderful photography, go to the famous mirror project, […]

Spot on as usual

Reading time: < 1 min “The sun is shining, the weather is sweet, makes me wanna move, those dancing feet”In an attempt to regain some fitness I’m back at the 5-a-side, unfortunately all it’s doing at the moment is re-affirming just how unfit I am at the moment. You know the feeling don’t you? Well I’d try and put it […]


Reading time: < 1 min Stumbled across this in the Metro this morning. Ayurveda: A Brief Introduction and Guide. The Science of Life “Ayurveda identifies three basic types of energy or functional principles that are present in everyone and everything. Since there are no single words in English that convey these concepts, we use the original Sanskrit words vata, pitta […]

More names

Reading time: < 1 min The man they call Lyle (to his face) reminds me of a story about names, or to be more precise, the story of my name. My Mum was named Lynda Gordon, and on marrying my Dad became Lynda McLean (you can see where this is heading already can’t you). Soon the lovely couple decided to […]

Ohh how very childish

Reading time: < 1 min But OHHH how very funny… IKEA KANTRA knob rack: “Can be placed in any height and therefore suitable for both children and grown-ups”.