Building music

There are several building works near our office, one of which I walk past everyday. There is a sign on the gate that says “17 days since the last reportable accident on this site”. Which only serves to make me wonder what the definition of a ‘reportable’ accident is, a broken fingernail perhaps, or a builder caught short 5 storeys from the portaloo?

In other news, in preparation for our upcoming holiday I spent a few hours dumping some music onto our iPod (OK, it’s her iPod… pah…). It’s a 10GB model, and as I have over 30GB of music on my PC I didn’t think I’d struggle to fill it, but of course it’s almost 30GB of MY music, so I ended up recording more stuff for HER and have still got 5GB to go! And the chances of us actually getting close to listening to even a quarter of the tracks are of course slim to none, but that’s not the point is it…

Listening to: Rolling Stones – Sympathy For The Devil

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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