
As usual our Christmas party was a cracker. Yes, I’m still recovering.

Skipping past the ‘better than average but still not too great’ food (which, considering they are catering for 300 people at the one time, I thought was pretty bloody good), the night kicked off with a band.
A very good band.
A very good band playing classic disco and soul tracks with a slight woman on vocals.
A very good band playing classic disco and soul tracks with a slight woman on vocals who had a fantastic voice.

I was at the bar (unsurprisingly) when they started. I can’t quite remember what song they started with but I presumed that the female voice was coming from a CD, she WAS good.

Aside: It’s funny to see the attractivenes gained by someone if they are hugely talented and confident. She worked the crowd well, and several guys commented about her, but she wasn’t a stunner by any means. Good to see not all men are blinded by big boobs and blonde hair (not that there is anything wrong with big boobs and blonde hair, and I’m not just saying that because I ended up with a blonde sitting on my lap at the end of the night… cleavage inches from my face).

I digress.

I was pretty tired yesterday and wasn’t really that bothered about the night out. As ever the meal seems a little flat as invariably you end up sitting and chatting to people you don’t really know that well. But once the dancing started I was much happier.

Yes, I dance. (stop sniggering at the back)

And then it was over. 1 a.m. Time to go home.

Quick memories: This year’s ‘thing’ of photographing calves (of ladies). The attraction a good silk tie holds, apparently. NOT drinking a slippery nipple (hi Google). The drunk girl in the red top. Finally seeing a colleague fulfill your expectations (not in a good way). The trouser snake. And the girl with the diamante thong.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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