
I know I’ve mentioned this before (or at least if I haven’t I’ve meant to…) but we inherited a print from Louise’s parents when they moved to Spain. It’s pride of place in our living room and I’ve been trying to find out more about it ever since.

Obviously I was doing something wrong as Louise found more, in a five minute spell with Google, including information about the artist, his other works, and the print we have, than I had managed over several nights.

Possibly because I mis-read his name to be Reinnard… ahem…

“his work has taken a distinct departure by exploring a new direction of non representational, “self contained”, paper sculptures. A blank sheet of paper undergoes fascinating transformations, by cutting, tearing, and manipulating, without removing anything or adding from another source. Based to some degree on geometric principals, his love for humor and playfulness is evident, as is his acute sense for design, aesthetics, and clarity.”

We are thinking of getting some more of his work, particularly Paper Moon for a certain room of the house.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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