
Reading time: < 1 min I rushed out of the office on Friday and forgot to log off from Messenger. Apologies to the (5) people who tried to send me a message, I wasn’t being ignorant, honest!


Reading time: < 1 min Bit of a busy week coming up, mainly because it’s Louise’s birthday (21.. +10…). Thankfully I’ve got a few days off work, and I’m hoping to divide my time between several things that I’ve been needing to get done: 1. Properly weed the mono-block – our driveway is part mono-blocked but the large conifer tree […]

Required Reading

Reading time: 2 mins From Joi Ito: Dare We Call It Genocide? “Zahra Abdel Karim, a 30-year-old woman, told me how in the same attack on Ab-Layha, the Janjaweed shot to death her husband, Adam, and 7-year-old son, Rahshid, as well as three of her brothers. Then they grabbed her 4-year-old son, Rasheed, from her arms and cut his […]


Reading time: < 1 min The beauty of being the supplier of the backend ‘software’ that runs Scottish Blogs is that when I get two sites submitted by, presumably, some web marketing service, and the sites are obviously NOT blogs I can very quickly knock up a big red delete button and zap ’em tout de suite.


Reading time: < 1 min I know I’ve mentioned this before (or at least if I haven’t I’ve meant to…) but we inherited a print from Louise’s parents when they moved to Spain. It’s pride of place in our living room and I’ve been trying to find out more about it ever since. Obviously I was doing something wrong as […]

Bugger it

Reading time: 2 mins Plagarism is a form of flattery (even if I can’t be bothered creating three columns). THE BIG BROTHER BITBig Brother is getting a bit exciting. What? YES I watch it, get over it. I must admit that this series, whilst being considerably more watchable than last year’s snooze-fest, is beginning to border on .. well […]