All of a sudden, from being weeks, nay months!, away my trip to Manchester to see Elbow finish out their live performances of The Seldom Seen Kid is almost upon me. Friday I travel down to sunny Manc land, go for a wander (must remember my camera), head to the gig, and then back to the hotel. Another wander before jumping on the train back to Glasgow.
I’m getting quite excited about the thought. I’ve only been in Manchester once, many many years ago for a family wedding and even then it was on the outskirts. No idea what I’m gonna do whilst I’m there but I’m sure I’ll manage to fill the time.
And, of course, the Elbow gig that evening which should be, as it usually is, a belter. I’m hoping as it is in their home town that there will be a lower number of tossers there but I’m not holding out much hope to be honest (seriously, why pay all that money to stand and have a conversation with your mates? The man HAS THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL, so shut up and LISTEN, already!).
I’m also quite looking forward to catching the support act, the Fiery Furnaces. I’ve given their album another listen and think it could transfer quite well to a live setting but time will tell.
Regardless, I know I’ll fill up listening to “… Tower Crane Driver” because it’s such a wonderfully sad ballad, I’ll have a lump in my throat during Station Approach for reasons I don’t fully understand (it’s the line “coming home I feel like I, designed these buildings I walk by”) and when Mirrorball starts I’ll likely close my eyes and bathe in the sumptuous melody and smile with each line of the song.
Yup, it’s fair to say I can’t wait.
Is it Friday yet??
Just thought you’d like to know about my thoughts on the Royal Mail after sharing yours – went to collect a letter which as it needed a signature had not been posted while we were out. On the delivery note it said that as well as the note itself proof of identity MUST be shown before any mail would be handed over.
I gave in the delivery note at the local posting office and was handed the letter – no questions or proof of identity here.
Beside the sliding glass window was a large sign saying –
After the window slammed shut I got a pen and corrected ‘policies’ It’s the teacher in me – canny help it!
No dear not Canal Street – I watch Corrie and I know what Canal Street is famous for!
No probs K, and I agree with you about the friendly atmosphere in gay bars/clubs – yes Gord, don’t tell you everywhere I’ve been…! Maybe the cast of ‘Queer eye for the straight guy’ would be there and they could sort out G’s wardrobe?
Hey now wait a minute, what the hell is wrong with my wardrobe!
Actually, don’t answer that…
Id get meself some stone roses tunes as well our kid….
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