Irish Coffee

Reading time: < 1 min Well just about survived the weekend. Saturday was a sad farewell to Laura, before rushing from her leaving party – where most people from work turned up between 9-9.30pm, I was sure it said it started at 8! – to head to Louise’s cousins for a family night with my in-laws as the star guests.. […]


Reading time: < 1 min Well done to all the medal winners at the Olympics. And a special mention to Matthew Pinsent, ya big cry baby. Boiler fitted, control unit figured out but only after walking up at 6.15 this morning, sweaty and hot, and realising the heating was on! Started tidying up, and we’ve decided on what we are […]

Coming up

Reading time: 2 mins Well the new boiler installation is almost done. New radiator is in the spare room (office), new valves on all the radiators, hot water tank gone from back bedroom, back boiler and ghastly fireplace gone from living room. Which has left a big hole in the wall. Now, I should point out that I’m not […]


Reading time: < 1 min So much to blog about, so little motivation. Olympics, music, etiquette, photography… the list grows, overwhelming the desire. Of course it could be because I’ve just finished a portion of shredded chilli beef and boiled rice, in what the new(ish) Thursday ritual of a Chinese takeaway for lunch. Now, would anyone REALLY notice if I […]


Reading time: < 1 min Hi, how are you? I’m good. In fact, I may even go so far as to say I’m GREAT! I’m wonderful, fantastic etc etc. I won’t go that far though as it’s still early… Hopefully, by the time I get home tonight, we will have a new boiler in the loft and the old back […]

Into the light

Reading time: < 1 min Well my mood has lifted, thankfully. There is only so much grouching and grumping that my beloved wife will tolerate, and her “You’re a grumpy bastard” comments were beginning to take on a slightly more biting edge than usual. Plus we shuffled bits and bobs around the house, and I think just being of my […]