2004 lists

I don’t normally do these. I’m not a great fan of looking back at the past, but then I don’t make resolutions so I guess I’m not so fond of the future either. Live for today and all that!

Still it was a pretty good year, and I DO have some plans for next year… and I’ve got nothing better to do (emm… except tidy up) ohh go on then. Read on for my “Best of 2004” lists.

Filed under: “Everyone else is doing them” and “Lacking inspiration”

Note: This is the lists from MY 2004. Some items may not be related to the year but are listed as they formed part of MY year. Capiche?

Blog related:
1. Rediscovering DOOCE. Always funny.
2. Scottish Blogs has been fun and I’ve got some more ideas for it.
3. Everyone on the blogroll, and a few more. There certainly seems to be a larger number of regular commenters to my site this year, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

And now for the more traditional items:

Best albums:
1. The Streets – A Grand Don’t Come for Free – MUST be listened to as an album. Gets better every time.
2. Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand – OK they might get a few bonus points for being Scottish but it’s full of catchy tunes.
3. Interpol – Antics – my ‘discovery’ of the year. Another album that just gets better and better.

Honourable mentions: Kanye West, Jill Scott, Mylo, Modest Mouse, Nouvelle Vague, Outkast and the Scissor Sisters.
Bonus prize: Goldfrapp – Black Cherry for being the most PLAYED album.

Best single:
1. Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out – well it WAS, wasn’t it?
2. Outkast – Hey Ya – more catchy than a catchy thing that was very very catchy.
3. Er… must listen to chart music more often.

Best gig:
1. Massive Attack (at T in the Park) – much heavier than I expected and I still get shivers when I recall the guitar solo at the end of Safe from Harm.
2. Kings of Leon – Just this month and I think owed a lot to the venue. Great gig from a great rock and roll band.
3. Faithless – another one from this month but an excellent example of a band that knows how to put a SHOW together. Well crafted, well executed and the bonus of Mylo as the support act.

Best movie:
1. Lost in Translation – divided audiences but I just love this kind of movie where PEOPLE are the main interest.
2. The Incredibles – a great movie, well paced, well written, well acted.
3. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind – another movie that divided audiences, and whilst it was a tad contrived, I really like Jim Carrey playing things straight.

Honourable mention: Star Wars Trilogy on DVD, at last!
“Must see” award: The Passion of the Christ

Best book:
1. Philip Pullman – His Dark Materials trilogy.
2. Mark Haddon – Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
3. Ian McEwan – Enduring Love

Of course I could go on, best TV show would be a bit of a misnomer (it’d be 24 Series 3 if you really need to know), and best meal would be the beef dish at the Grapevine in Bothwell.

Most memorable moment was our friends wedding.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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