
Reading time: < 1 min Let me set the scene (ohh and if you’ve not glanced over my recent post, 4×4, then go there first). I was walking home last night, having completed the last last-minute shopping, it was cold and raining. I was cold and wet. I got to a busy road and stopped to wait for a gap […]

Merry Christmas

Reading time: < 1 min …or Seasons Greetings or Bah Humbug! Whilst I’m not going anywhere, I realise that a lot of people will be sans interwebnet access over the coming days so, to one and all, have a good time and remember a reindeer isn’t for life, it’s for Christmas!


Reading time: 2 mins Gordon’s brain is slightly overloaded at present, it asks that you please excuse the following. I’m shifting through some outstanding work issues, trying to collate a short document for myself so I don’t forget to do anything when I come back in January, I’m trying to remember the name of something that I still need […]


Reading time: < 1 min Did I miss something? Is there a reason that there are only two people in the office, including myself? I came in early as I need to leave early to get that last present for Louise, but even by 8.30 am there are usually at least three or four people in the office. Did I […]


Reading time: < 1 min FINALLY. Many many MANY thanks to Adrian and Jann for their sage advice and time. I tried Jann’s advice first – as it was the simplest, namely adding <br style="clear: both;" /> right before the closing DIV tag. Whaddya know, it worked straight away. I’m not sure which I’m more relieved about, the fact it […]


Reading time: < 1 min Further to this post (two self links in one day, tut tut), I received this via email: “Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.” – Rich Cook How true.