
Reading time: < 1 min I’ve seen it used several times in the past week or so. It DOESN’T make you look or sound cool, smart, or ‘better’ in any way shape or form. To what do I refer? grok – tr.v.: To understand profoundly through intuition or empathy. Please, PLEASE, stop using it. You know who you are. ~ […]

Sassafrassin Rassafrasser!

Reading time: < 1 min This is driving me nuts. It may be an issue with my WordPress installation, or my CSS, an example of the problem can, currently, be seen two posts down. If I add a blockquote in WordPress, it adds [blockquote] around the area of text. All well and good. But if the quote has more than […]

Life update

Reading time: < 1 min Gran spent the night in hospital and should be well enough to go home today. The entire event (not the first of it’s kind) will again raise the question of whether she should really be in a sheltered housing complex, but it depends entirely on how stubborn the old dear is going to be. ~ […]

Information Design and the Web 1

Reading time: 4 mins Inspired by John Zeratsky although I seem to have headed off with my own train of thought. Part 1 of 2 INFORMATION DESIGN – Sounds ominous, right? But it’s not. In fact it’s so everyday you probably don’t realise it’s affecting you every single minute of every single day. First things first though. What is […]


Reading time: < 1 min Bank Holiday, still no sign of my pay. Feckers. Still other events are bringing context and focus. My Gran fell last night, had to kick in the front door to get to her and she is now in hospital. Everything else is hidden behind a barrier of grey, smudged and blurry like the sky outside. […]


Reading time: < 1 min Losing an hour’s sleep is not what you want when you aren’t sleeping too well, but on the plus side it does mean that summer is approaching. You DID change your clocks this morning, right?