
Reading time: < 1 min Pulled into an impromptu training session today, plans for the day abandoned, and so playing catchup with the quick and easy tasks. Playing football from six to seven, heading to Asda once I get home. Aiming to be home by nine, have dinner, maybe watch some TV and then to bed. Where did the day […]

Real people

Reading time: 2 mins I was working at home the last couple of days, mainly research and planning (which now means I fully understand the tasks ahead of me for a particular project and it’s now scaring the heebie jeebies outta me!!), and it’s always a bit odd slipping back into the stream of commuters and co-workers. It’s akin […]

They Won!

Reading time: < 1 min Well done Liverpool, what a game, what a victory!!


Reading time: 2 mins I watch and follow a lot of sport, in fact there are few sports I don’t watch – horse racing being the main one (I just typed “house racing” which could be an interesting DIY show…). I prefer basketball to football, football to rugby, and everything else falls in line after that. I play 5-a-side […]


Reading time: 3 mins We have some empty picture frames lying around, and we’d like to put some photos of our friends and family in them. This poses a slight problem though as we don’t have any photos that we like. I did a little research last night, and as we are getting together with our friends at the […]


Reading time: < 1 min What’s this I see before me? Hmm interesting… (OK, probably not, I know, I know…).