
Remember to download Beethoven’s 6th Symphony (Pastoral) from the Beeb today. Thankfully I’ll be able to get them all before we go on holiday. Symphonies 7, 8, 9 are released over the coming days.


Blogger have admitted, as suspected, that they added some code to support their new offering of “Blogger Images”. They do offer a fix but it presumes you are using one of their templates, which frankly isn’t good enough. I know that it’s impossible for them to cope with all the differing layouts and uses but in my opinion their code changes are far too invasive and spanks of being a quick hack rather than something they’ve thought out properly.


In further blog related information, HaloScan is currently having three new servers installed, so the service will be a tad flaky until they are up, running and synchronised. Hang in there folks, it’ll settle down soon (hey, whaddya expect for free!).


Scheduled posting. I’ve a few posts lined up to publish when I’m away, but I always find it trickier thinking of topics ahead of time than pulling on current events, news, or comments for inspiration. Odd that. How do YOUR posts come about?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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