My response

Reading time: 2 mins What did I do? So far I’ve had a variety of suggestions, and so far I can confirm that each and every single one of them skipped through my mind. I could ask him politely and hope he, with a certain amount of embarassment, would take his feet off the seat and apologise for his […]


Reading time: 2 mins Last night on the train on the way home, as I settled down with book in hand, a couple sat down across from me. They were a similar age to me, reasonably well presented, and engaged in quiet whispers. At first I took them for a new couple, still at that stage of exploration where […]

Less Important

Reading time: 3 mins Safe in the knowledge that she probably won’t read this (I’m joking!), I thought I’d take something Clare mentioned a while back and see where it lead me. She recently said: “… come on, admit it, you are a bit full of yourselves sometimes, aren’t you? And you do go on at great length about […]

Supermarket Sweep

Reading time: 2 mins Apparently the lovely Shauny got some flack over a recent post featuring some of the.. ahem.. delicacies available in Scottish supermarkets. One commenter —and to be fair to the rest of the lovely people who commented, it does seem to have been only one or two naysayers… always the way, isn’t it— even goes so […]


Reading time: 2 mins … I will mostly be meeting met “BritBlog” Mark (he’s organising a blogmeet dahn sarf by the way). It was Be good to finally meet him having exchanged so many, and some heated, emails in the past year or so. We chatted about this and that but mainly, obviously, the plans for the merger of […]


Reading time: < 1 min This weekend we have mostly been: Visiting garden centres and buying plants (4 for £10!) Cutting grass, planting plants, weeding etc etc Trying not to remember Saturday would have been Louise’s Mum’s birthday Eating a delicious Thai curry – made from scratch by my talented wife Watching Spirited Away – wonderfully animated, imaginative and totally […]