
I almost did.

April Fool is upon once more. I hate this day. But then I hate practical jokes.. umm.. when they’re played on me that is… it’s a bit like laughing at someone who has fallen over. I’d hate it if it were me, but if it’s someone else? HEE-LAY-RY-USS!


The past week has gone something like this:

  • Monday – get up, go to work, have takeaway dinner, get home at 9pm
  • Tuesday – get up, go to work, have takeaway dinner, get home at 10pm
  • Wednesday – get up, go to work, have takeaway dinner, get home at 10pm
  • Thursday – get up, go to work, have takeaway dinner, get home at 12pm
  • Friday – get up, go to work, ship product at 9pm, go to pub, leave early because COMPLETELY KNACKERED

So, one 65 hour working week, and one pizza, indian, chinese and indonesian/thai dinners later and I’m looking forward to getting my life back to some sense of order. Plenty to do mind you but at MY pace. Naturally, despite the fact I’m completely shattered, I’m still wide awake at 2am.. ohh hang on.. that was a yawn. To bed!!

Have a good weekend. See you Monday.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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