Reading time: < 1 min Found on slothblog. Get yours here – may take some time to draw (mine took almost 5 minutes to complete) and of limited value. Pretty though. Legend is one the page under the generated image.
Reading time: < 1 min Found on slothblog. Get yours here – may take some time to draw (mine took almost 5 minutes to complete) and of limited value. Pretty though. Legend is one the page under the generated image.
Reading time: < 1 min Why is the weather so crap at the moment? It’s almost June and I was freezing standing at the station this morning. Why are people complaining about Big Brother? Surely they are used to it by now? Shouldn’t they just be ignoring it? Why do people make such a fuss about whether Scots are supporting […]
Reading time: < 1 min Louise is home and annoyingly tanned, but I can put up with that. Her plane finally touched down in the wee small hours of this morning after a three hour delay and as it was a further hour or so before we got to sleep I decided to work at home today. Still, it’s good […]
Reading time: < 1 min Our First Minister caused a bit of a stooshy recently by stating that he wouldn’t be supporting England in the World Cup. But why should he? He’s not English after all.. As for me, well it’s a tricky one, that’s for sure. Ach, who am I kidding, it’s very straightforward. ‘Mon the Soca Warriors!! Actually […]
Reading time: 2 mins Yo sassy froods! I’m betting most of you know where your towels are, right? I mean it IS Towel Day. Of course, to those of you how haven’t read the book you will have no earthly (pun intended) idea what I’m wibbling on about. But then, isn’t that the point? I’ve always viewed these kind […]
Reading time: < 1 min Ahh the joys of a long weekend stretch before me as I’ve got Thursday and Friday off this week, and yes I booked them before Louise had decided to fly to Spain (which was a last minute thing, but not a thing.. ). Not that I’ll have much free time. Out for dinner tonight […]