Movie info from IMDB
Movie reviews from Metacritic

I’m part of an agency… called the IMF.
What’s that stand for?
Impossible Mission Force.
[chuckles] Yeah right.

So let’s get this straight. Tom Cruise, big budget action movie, and the guy behind Lost and Alias directing it? Can’t lose right? Right. And it doesn’t.

Yes Philip Seymour Hoffman acts Tom off the screen, yes the stunts and gadgets are over the top, yes there is a lot of violence and guns and explosions. And yes it works.

I’ve never really understood why the critics pan Tom Cruise for his poor acting in a movie like this. The entire point is that you aren’t watching HIM, you are watching the action. You are wanting to be entertained, to laugh, to be thrilled, to be excited. If I wanted to see some great acting… well I wouldn’t pick Mission: Impossible, would I.

Movies are about entertainment and that comes in many forms. It just so happens that this movie delivers in spades, the action scenes zip along, there are a couple of nice twists, and it’s hugely entertaining. JJ Abrams has injected a nice sense of humour to things, and there is even a distinct storyline in evidence. Suspension of disbelief is required, naturally, but as a summer blockbuster movie this hits the mark.

Mind you, ANY movie that features Simon Pegg can’t be bad, right?!

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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