
A tad late in posting this but with very good reason.

For a change I’ll cover the weekend in reverse, starting with yesterday as I was on holiday (Glasgow Fair ya know). After cautiously getting out of bed, we headed to Moodiesburn where we met Louise’s Grandpa for lunch. After that it was off to Mount Florida to visit my Gran in hospital – she’s doing OK but I don’t think she’ll be going home anytime soon – and then home. A quick change into shorts and… well we had had grand plans of gardening but it was both too hot and too soon after my hillwalking for me to have any spare energy.

In bed by 9.30pm for a restless night.

Up early on Sunday, I headed through to Balloch to meet up with the rest of the guys and then onto Drymen and Balmaha for a “spot of hiking”. Straight out of the car park at Balmaha and straight up 1207 feet to the top of the Conic Hill. Bloody knackered and had to stop several times but I made it, and the rest of the walk was very straightforward after that. Started at about 11am, and we hit Drymen (about 7 miles away) at 3.30pm.

Saturday and Friday are a bit of a blur. Alas, not for any good reason.

You see, on Thursday night our oldest niece (who turned 17 yesterday) was attacked. By her own admittance she was drunk, but it seems like she was beaten up, and then attacked by three boys. I’ll spare you further details but she’s still very shaken up. The police are investigating and we are all trying not to use the word that begins with “r”…

Even now I still get a rush of emotions thinking about it, how her mother is coping I’ve no idea. Louise and I were talking about how we felt on Saturday and the best I could come up with was “angrysympatheticviolentcryingcaring”.

I’ve mention before about how crap this year has been (that’s “the past 12 months” not the calendar year), and it’s showing no signs of improving.

Sorry. It’s all a bit depressing this… but thankfully it’s still more “sad depressing” than “depression depressing”. Fuck, what a life.

In other news, tomorrow looks like it will be one of the hottest days of the year. And I’ll be out in it, jogging. Fantastic. AND it looks like FX have already started broadcasting the new series of Huff. That’s despite the adverts STILL (last night!) saying “Coming Soon”. Fuckwads.

Anyhoo, enough morose swearing. Tomorrow is another day and all that.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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