Mind the paint

Reading time: < 1 min A few changes going on, nothing major but I’ve been itching to redesign recently but don’t really have the time. Ohh and if you are reading this via my RSS feed… don’t worry, you ain’t missing much. Hmmm… not sure I like that font for the “www.gordonmclean.co.uk” bit up top… ho hum..

Note to self

Reading time: < 1 min Do not blog when grumpy. Mind you, it’s always refreshing to just say what is on your mind. Even if what is on your mind is transitory and not exactly what you’d call a considered opinion. I don’t normally do that, either here or in real life. That is my failing of course, and nowt […]

A brief interlude

Reading time: 2 mins What I WANT to write: Because I’m hot, tired and fucking grumpy. I’ve mentioned this before, I’m sure, but what is with the ‘bash brigade’? Some things are popular for a reason. You aren’t expected to like it but it doesn’t make you smart, or clever, or even much fun if all you seem to […]

(WIN) Music to run by

Reading time: 2 mins UPDATE: Great stuff so far, I’ve started pulling the playlist together so thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Keep them coming though, there is still time to win! With everything that’s going on at the moment I have to admit that the jogging thing is keeping me focussed and reasonably sane, but then that’s part […]

Quick update

Reading time: < 1 min Thanks to all for your thoughts. What a lovely bunch of people frequent this silly website (err.. that’s a compliment… I think). Anyway, the good news, yes, that’s right the GOOD NEWS, is that the worst that happened to my niece was some cuts and bruises. Again, it’s the tip of the story but, right […]


Reading time: 2 mins A tad late in posting this but with very good reason. For a change I’ll cover the weekend in reverse, starting with yesterday as I was on holiday (Glasgow Fair ya know). After cautiously getting out of bed, we headed to Moodiesburn where we met Louise’s Grandpa for lunch. After that it was off to […]