Life continuing

Whisper it, but I think we have a free weekend coming up!* Hopefully it’ll stay dry and we can get the last cut of the grass done, and maybe even a little shopping. After all, we’re rich.

Well not really, but the mortgage application is in the final stages, solicitor has appropriated** (got) funds and is paying off our current mortgage before handing us a wee cheque. That wee cheque is the reason I’ve been asking about PCs and digital cameras… Louise is getting something too but not for a while, the money will be set aside though.

I also need to go and hire a kilt as, the weekend after this, we are attending a birthday party for my mate Bill. Previous nights out with them have been debauched affairs, usually ending up with us all wandering back to someone’s house, in the rain, and deciding to wait for the sunrise. Which is all well and good during the summer months but I’m not so sure that drinking all the way through the night until 7.30am is wise…

Thankfully it’s “casual” kilt attire, so it’ll be a Ghillie shirt rather than the full blown shirt and jacket (and yes, I DO like the black one… hmmm).

More presently, I’m out jogging tonight starting the second block of the Jog Scotland programme. Another ten weeks and we’ll be running for 20 minutes continuously. Except I might not.

I mean I will be running but having ran, comfortably, for 15 minutes on Saturday morning, I’m wondering if I should move up a level. I’ll talk to the coaches tonight I think.

One problem is that I’ve spent the past ten weeks running with a group of people and, whilst we are all moving up to the next level, I’ve always felt that I’m running well within my limits (there is an obvious split in the group with a few of us always away out front, a bunch in the middle, and a couple bringing up the rear – this is no bad thing, everyone runs at their own pace). Thing is, if I move on now it’s a little.. I dunno.. like I’m saying “I’m better than you” which flies in the face of everything that Jog Scotland stands for, namely the whole “you are doing SOMETHING, which is better than sitting on your arse watching TV”. There is little ‘competition’ between runners and a definite team spirit has emerged as we all encourage each other as best we can.

So, I’m still not sure what I’m going to do. I could stick with the same group, but go out a couple of times by myself and push things on that way, but that would make a bit of a mockery of the Jog Scotland sessions. Or I could move up to the next level as I’m sure everyone in my current group would understand. The question then is, can I do it?? I had planned to up my running times a little during the ‘break’ between sessions but what with being ill and my Dad’s birthday and everything.. well, it just didn’t happen.

Hmmm guilt or progress?

* With the exception of the blogmeet on Saturday, obviously…

** There’s another blog post in the making. Why do certain industries use big long posh words for such simple things? I mean ASIDE from charging us more…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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