Out of whack

Reading time: < 1 min Ouchy My back isn’t mega-sore if I keep it moving. That makes sitting down at a computer to do work a little annoying… hence the reason I’m still awake at 1am doing some work. Thankfully it’s improving every day. Happy Birthday! Visited my Gran tonight on the occasion of her 87th birthday. She’s finally out […]


Reading time: < 1 min Preface: Nothing personal is meant in this, it’s purely and solely my issue. Please do not take a fence. There seems to be a growing trend amongst some of the better known bloggers, better known than I that is, to feature video clips of themselves in lieu of text. I can’t say I’m in favour […]

Sponsor me

Reading time: < 1 min I have no idea how this will work but as I’ve just dumped the form in the office kitchen, and sent round an “encouraging” email at work, I figured I’d give you beautiful, generous people a shot too. And don’t say I didn’t warn you. On Sunday the 10th December I’m running a 5k (5 […]

Questions Answered #8

Reading time: 2 mins In a desperate effort to gain some weird form of validation, I stole an idea for a blog post and begged my readers to ask me a question. And they did. The buggers. Now I have to answer them. Question 8: Jane asks, quite simply, for “The ideal jogging route”. The ideal jogging route This […]

Life update

Reading time: 2 mins Still here. Busy. Quick post. Feel guilty if I don’t (what’s THAT all about!). Everyone now knows I’m changing jobs. That’s a bigger relief than I realised. New TV arrives tomorrow. New TV stand was purchased on Monday night, collected on Tuesday and was probably a factor in the excruciating back pains that kept me […]

Dear Bloggers

Reading time: 2 mins For the most part, us “people who blog” are a friendly bunch and get on pretty well, don’t we? We are polite, even when we disagree, enjoy leaving comments for others (even just to say “well said!” as that’s just as important as any other kind of comment) and occasionally some of us swap emails […]