Life update

Still here. Busy. Quick post. Feel guilty if I don’t (what’s THAT all about!).

Everyone now knows I’m changing jobs. That’s a bigger relief than I realised.

New TV arrives tomorrow. New TV stand was purchased on Monday night, collected on Tuesday and was probably a factor in the excruciating back pains that kept me off work yesterday and at home today.

You see, I sit at a computer for most of the day, and whilst I’m careful with my posture, I’m sure this was a contributing factor (I’ve been doing extra stuff on the computer at home too). My back was a little sore but not too bad until I tried to lie down. I tossed and turned.. well… squirmed and moaned more like, for an hour or so before the pain got too bad and I woke Louise up.

Now, that’s not something I do. Ever. I tip-toe around if she goes to bed before me, and generally try and make sure I don’t disturb her, which is pretty easy as she sleeps heavily. If I don’t feel well I usually haul myself downstairs and doze on the couch. The last thing I do is wake her up, and no, not because she’s an ogre, because I care!

But this was just too sore, and I had some ibuprofen gel (it was definitely a muscular pain) which I needed her to rub into my back. As she said herself “I knew it was bad as you don’t ever wake me up..”.

It’s a little better today but still a wee bit sore, so I’m limiting my time on the computer.

In other news
My Gran is getting moved out of hospital into a, temporary, home. This is a good thing and the first step in getting her a place in a home nearer my Mum. She’s on the waiting list for one, about 4th from top but needs to wait until.. well.. some of the current residents “depart”.

Louise’s Granda is back in hospital – he’s been in a few times this year with ‘flutters’, as he calls them – but he’s fine. He’ll be out in a few days, right as rain. I need to go up and have a look at his computer, make sure he’s doing this properly. There is only so much you can do over the phone or via email. But hey, he’s not doing so bad for 86.

We are getting new front and back doors in a couple of weeks. It’ll be nice to stand at our front door and not see daylight past the frame.

We are almost finished our Xmas shopping! Well, the stuff for other people that is, I’ve still to get some things for Louise (I know what though, so that’s a start).

And now my back is sore again…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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