Edinburgh Blogmeet

OK people, let’s meet!

The first blogmeet of the year will be in Edinburgh, on the 19th May, and the venue will be confirmed closer to the date.

I think the Jolly Judge may be getting a little small for our needs, but of course that depends largely on how many people turn up. As a double bonus, I’ll happily arrange a meeting point for those travelling through from Glasgow.

So if you can make it, please leave a comment so I’ve got a rough ideas of numbers.

For those of you who haven’t been to a blogmeet, here’s some brief notes from the previous few:
May 2005 – Edinburgh
October 2005 – Glasgow
February 2006 – Edinburgh
October 2006 – Glasgow

And finally some popular blogmeet myths dispelled.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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I’ve never been to such a thing, but I’ll try and come along.

I’m in! I’ll try to convince my (still) non-blogging wife to come along.

sounds like a goer! i’ll put it in the ol diary and feel like a right little socialite πŸ™‚

holy CRAP, just looking at those days… can it really be nearly 2 years since the jolly judge? lordy…

I’d love to. If I can get over my shy-ness. And my teeth are sorted out by then. I’ll give it a plug over at my place if you like.

Sure thing Cat, that’d be great

I’ll be there! Can’t wait!

I will try to be there, depending on exam dates.

You always seem to pick the weekends I’m away! I’ll be at a conference in Liverpool that weekend. But good luck with it.

My calendar seven weeks away is a little hazy, but having been introduced to the fleshpots of Auld Reekie, how could I resist such an invitation?

I’d like to come, but what time is it? There’s a 10K run on that day I’d like to do as well.

I’m also not an Edinburgh person, so a venue and address and directions will ensure I don’t turn up super late because I got lost. Don’t tell me anything about things being designed on a grid, it doesn’t make me any less sense-of-direction-less… hehe.

It’ll start around 2pm, and usually go on until it’s dark! I’ve ALMOST missed the last train on two occasions now.

Hehe. Shauna and Dr G introduced me to the Ingliston Park & Ride. The run is at 2pm, I imagine you’ll be half-cut by the time I show up?!

I’ll try to be there Gordon but it’s the burd’s birthday that weekend so there may already be plans in place for me to endure shoe shopping.

@ Pat the Chooks
He didn’t take much persuading to be led astray. Sorry about the comment above – the system was playing up. Unfortunately, we won’t be there to provide bed and board to those who are incapable of returning home, as we will be in Montreal. Lucky us…

I wish I could say that I’d be there as usual. But I’m not going to even be a Scottish Blogger by the time the meet comes around – and that’s not just because I’ve kind-of stopped blogging for the moment. I’m moving to Dublin in a few weeks’ time, to begin the next chapter in my life – and I rather suspect I’ll be too busy to fly back.

So anyway, have fun. I’ll be thinking about you.

Just realising now that I’m missing this πŸ™ I’ve been so busy recently we both ended up just collapsing at home this weekend. Mea culpa…

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