WordPress 2.3

Reading time: < 1 min Upgrade complete – sidebar borked. Apparently the introduction of the new tagging doo dah means a table is now no longer valid, the table that quite a few plugins were using, one of which was powering my miniblog posts. Hence why they’ve all, suddenly, appeared here. So, until I get some free time to get […]

apple insider

Reading time: < 1 min Apple Insider is doing a set of posts, in the lead up to the new version of OSX (Leopard), entitled “Road to Mac OS X Leopard”. So far they’ve covered the history of the Dock and the Finder. Despite the titles, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour do not appear.

A pound of guilt

Reading time: 3 mins Needless to say, portions of the internet are abuzz, discussing the ins, outs and possible impact of the way Radiohead have handled their recent album sales (they are allowing the buyer to set the price when downloading the MP3s, and yes, you can set the price to zero – more on that here). Having heard […]

Explosions: keeping ahead of the blast

Reading time: 3 mins Is it just me, or are we seeing a notable growth in the tools and voices linked to our profession? Are we, the technical communicators (writers, authors, designers, whatever..) finally clued in to the internet and making the best use of the global space? Are the tools we use starting to touch other areas of […]

man vs cursor

Reading time: < 1 min man vs cursor. A silly little animation. Me loves t’internets.

in rainbows cover art

Reading time: < 1 min Weird that Radiohead didn’t include cover art with the download of In Rainbows, I’m currently using this image though.