
I can’t help it.

It’s not my fault.

I try and fight it, honest I do. I do my best but.. well.. I am but a man, there is only so much I can do. Normally I can resist, I mean it’s not like I’ve not had practice at this sort of thing and I’ve tried, god help me, I’ve tried.

Alas, I can fight not more. I have succumbed.

It is Christmas.

The thing is, and I may have mentioned this before, but I live with a Crimbo nutter. Take today for example, we are both have this afternoon off and while I’m not liking the fact I need to go into Glasgow to finish my Christmas shopping, Louise has CHOSEN to go into Glasgow to meet her sister and cousins, do some shopping AND she had her Christmas hat on first thing this morning in preparation. A big red hat with fluffy white trim, and matching jingle bell earrings. Mental.

She’s so bad she gets excited when she hears the sleigh bells at the start of the Coca Cola adverts…

So, faced with the deluge of Christmasyness I encounter in my own home there is little I can do but smile and admit that yeah, I quite like this time of year as well. Yes it’s all a bit trite and silly but sometimes you need those things in your life. Regardless, it’s worth it to see the whopping big grin that comes over the face of my beloved when she spies an especially nice Christmas tree.

Yes, I admit it. I like this time of year, the lead up to Christmas and the festivities that are on the horizon.

Although ask me later this afternoon, whilst I’m wading through idiots and numpties, being thumped in the shins with bags and generally navigating the quickest path to the two shops I need to visitm and you may get a different response.

Admit it, you like this time of year as well. Don’t you.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Kat says:

Absolutely love it. Why? I think it still has the same function as the pagan festival that it superseded, which was to provide a burst of light and festivity bang in the middle of the bleak North European winter, potentially counteracting whatever slight to severe degree of SAD we probably all suffer from. Imagine what it would be like if we didn’t have a bright, busy holiday now, and had to drag ourselves up and out of warm beds into the dark and cold all the way through from November to February. And people are generally making an effort to be warm towards each other. I was on a Christmas night out last night, and we all hugged goodnight and wished each other well: we don’t behave like that during the rest of the year – it would be sickly if we did- and I think it actually promotes an atmosphere of ‘goodwill’ and ‘harmony’ that also bring comfort during the big chill. If you are lucky, and we should remember that some of us are not, you have lots of contact with all your nearest and dearest: ok, I know it costs you, but what the hell it’s just money, and it is one time in the year when it’s cool to demonstrate affection by giving them something that shows you do think about them, no matter what’s gone on in the other eleven months!

I love Christmas for about three days a year – from Christmas Eve through to Boxing Day. I loathe the build up, the preparation, the neverfuckingending deluge of cheery seasonal songs, the commercialism, the hypocrisy and everything else that goes with it.

But for those three days, I love it – not in a “don the hat and deck the halls” way but just the laid back, time with the family, relax and chill out and who cares whether you roll out of bed and into a glass of bucks fizz.

The potential downer about it all is if my S.O. and her mother insist on putting Cliff Bloody Richard on the musical doodah thing in which case there will be swift, violent and gory retribution effected.


I’m firmly in the no to Christmas camp. I’ve found it a real struggle since my dad died, and unfortunately there’s no escaping, especially as it begins around August now… I know I sound like a proper humbug, but I think there are probably more people who find it a difficult time of year than anyone realises.

hans stolte says:

Put your feet up have a mince pie, gravy, mashed potato and some onions on the side, relax

Take away the commercialism and debt-inducing qualities and maybe I’d like it… until then it remains forever the FOTCR™

hans stolte says:

OOO yes BW good post, bet all of January id full of Debt Porn, picture the debt and, remortgage your house for ‘stuff’ advertisements.

I wonder if when Johnny is older working in ASDA as his parents could not afford clothes/uni/heat/light he looks back fondly on the day he could not find his scooter and his parents gleefully spent his inheritance on Ā£25k worth of tat for the house which was then re-possessed later.

Have I got News For You took the P out of Carol Vorderman when she was on, by selling money to people who could not afford it anyway.

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