Music I've forgotten

Reading time: 2 mins There is one major downside to owning a lot of music. It’s not the worry of storage space, nor the concern of quality, instead it’s rather more trivial than that. I can’t remember what I’ve got. In any given month I’ll buy at least 2 or 3 albums (not CDs), and they’ll go into rotation […]


Reading time: 2 mins How do you do it? I’ve conducted a fair number of interviews over the past few years, not a huge amount but definitely into double figures. Some have been good, some not so good, and some just embarassing. I recently read about an interview that was more like a planning meeting, outlining the job in […]

Beginner's Guide to Guitar Hero

Reading time: < 1 min We got a Wii in January, and Guitar Hero arrived this week. I’ve not played it much but there are a few tips I thought I’d pass on. The first one is obvious, if you don’t have it (and you like rock music) GET IT! I know it’s hard to find, I ended up ordering […]

Why AuthorIT?

Reading time: 3 mins As I mentioned before, we are planning to migrate content from FrameMaker to AuthorIT, staging the migration across two different product sets (and no small amount of time!). I’m in the process of evaluating AuthorIT for, despite having used it before, it has recently been overhauled with a spiffy new UI and some new features. […]

Kid for a day

Reading time: 2 mins Cue dream sequence. wibblywobbly ~ wibblywobbly ~ wibblywobbly When I am grand poobah, leader of all and ruler of the land, my first act will be to create a new law which will read: “You, my loyal and humble subject, are entitled to choose one day of the calendar year during which you will be […]


Reading time: 2 mins Working with text, and graphics, can be a time consuming job. If you are like me you’ll know many keyboard shortcuts, some of which will be used repeatedly throughout your working day. For example: CTRL+C ALT+TAB CTRL+V Go on, who can hit that oft repeated key combination without even looking at the keyboard (you touch-typists […]