New books

Reading time: < 1 min So I’ve updated my bookshelf with a couple of new books, and an old one. I’ve started The World Is Flat which is utterly fascinating, even if it is slightly outside of the more traditional technical communications area. However anyone with any interest in social media (aka Web 2.0) should give it a look. My […]

Keyboard and Mouse

Reading time: 2 mins I should’ve waited before replacing my old PC with another one. If I had I wouldn’t have my current dilemma as I’d be typing this post on an iMac, with a nice wireless keyboard, thin of form, full of factor. But I’m not so here are my requirements and, dear reader, I’d like your thoughts […]

Life ahoy!

Reading time: 2 mins Right on cue, the star of the show wanders into the living room, damp from the drizzle outside, he rubs himself dry on my trouser leg. And now he’s lying on my foot, dozing off… purring like a contented cat should. Actually I wasn’t going to talk about him but as he’s made an appearance […]

Recently Read

Reading time: 2 mins Conference season is underway, with DocTrain and AODC recently finishing. As such there is a lot of great and interesting blog posts out there, some are catchup style so if, like me, you didn’t attend you can still get some nuggets of information from them. But the type I prefer are the ones which collate […]

Dumbarton from the air

Reading time: < 1 min Yesterday morning I cashed in a Christmas present and took the air in a hellychopper. It was quite noisy, but very smooth, and I have to admit the little boy in me loved every minute (whilst the adult in me fretted about carbon footprints and so on). We weren’t in the air very long, a […]

Animals on the Underground

Reading time: < 1 min This is one of those silly things that seem to grab my attention from time to time. I’m a bit smitten with this, but not entirely sure why… Back in 1998, Paul Middlewick was staring at the tube map during his daily journey home from work when he discovered an elephant hidden in the shape […]