In the garden of pain

Reading time: 1 min After a rather good Friday night, I spent most of Saturday getting re-acquainted with the sofa whilst Louise was off buying plants for the garden. So, when Sunday rolled around and the weather was fair, we headed out into the garden. Although to be completely honest Louise headed out into the garden and I delayed […]

Web 2.0 is hard

Reading time: 2 mins Question: How much investment does Web 2.0 really take? Answer: A lot. I’ve seen the same quote repeated in several different locations recently. It was uttered by O’Reilly and has the twin benefits of being short, quantitative, and seemingly true. As I’m in the midst of setting up a new website for our company, focussed […]


Reading time: < 1 min I haz hangover. Please send jaffa cakes and chocolate milk. Ta.

Made to Stick

Reading time: 2 mins Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Take Hold and Others Come Unstuck I can’t recall why I picked up this book, most likely a recommendation from the same sources through which I discovered The Tipping Point (which itself inspired this book), but I’ve been dipping in and out of it for a while and finally […]

Ohhhh Two?

Reading time: 3 mins The contract for my mobile phone is up at the end of the month. So I’ve started looking around for alternatives, starting as ever with consideration of what I want it to do, because that’s what I do you see, research, plan, consider… I am gently mocked for this by my own wife and friends, […]

I'm fascinating

Reading time: 2 mins The more it starts to let me down, the more interesting my body becomes. Today I visited the physio again to restart my failed effort at getting back to running. I learned that my knees have a good level of hyperextensibility (they can be bent ever so slightly the wrong way, if that makes sense), […]