Brain dump

Twitter pulls random thoughts from my head now, but there are some that require a little more room to breathe. In no particular order then…

The iPhone is a wonderful device, and if you are web-savvy and heavily invested in web applications and social networking then it is THE choice. If you just want a phone with a few features, it’s still a strong player but remains lacking in some areas (camera is poor, lack of video, no MMS). Needless to say I think Apple pitched this phone at the right group of users and it will only get better as more applications appear.

My fitness is slowly improving, although weight loss is very very slow. I’ve been trying to keep up a basic regime comprising physio exercises (eccentric loading for my injured knee), some dumbbell work, and basic floorwork of pressups, situps, the plank, with a few stretches to improve flexibility. I’m still lacking aerobic activity, but that will come (a few walks here and there for example). And yes, Wii Fit is still on the radar.

The big news remains, of course, my sister’s engagement. The party is booked and talk of weddings is slowly starting to dominate conversations. I’m still getting used to the idea to be honest I mean it’s my wee sister, getting married! Blimey.

Aside from that.. yeah life continues to plod onwards.

Now, I’ve not asked in a while, but how the hell are YOU?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Saying goodbye to Jennie

Life update

Generated image of a Scottish landscape and the words NEW YEAR on a banner



Thanks for asking. I’m alright, up to my eyes in work only to be dragged off to a well-known high street photographer for a family portrait in the middle of the day. This will mean, god forbid, shaving. Ugh.

Great thanks. Following a rather bumpy re-entry from Winter to Summer in May, by contrast June and July have been a mad social whirl of sweetness and light. Been to eleven gigs over the past two months, plus a three-day festival. Caught up with loads of friends and spent much time with family. Couple of friends stayed with us for three weeks; they’re party animals, so that was good fun.

Work’s going well, a steady stream of stuff coming in. The only thing I’ve been a dissatisfied with is that I’ve barely written anything recently. Haven’t even had time to think about what lies behind this wonderful couple of months of confidence & impulsiveness, let alone put it into words. In general: a sense of truly living life to the full. No idea where it’s going, but very happy.

iPhone has no MMS? That’s a bit bonkers. What’s the camera for?

UPDATE/BLOG HIJACK: family portrait session abandoned halfway through when small person sat whinging and repeatedly saying "I want to gooooo; I want to goooo".

Another afternoon wasted. Ho hum.

Not too bad, thank you. A lot of work at the moment, started a new project with a new team a couple of months ago, and that meant long hours and the frustration of sometimes not understanding what’s going on.

I’m on top of things again now, not sure for how long but I do like changes.


I’m doing very well, thanks. Also thinking of weddings – at least this one is in England and I am in Canada so don’t have to put up with hearing about the niggly details. My only details are getting myself there, fully and properly dressed, pressie in one hand, camera in t’other.

I’m fine – Ducks are gone – grass always needs to be mowed and I may be on this diet for the rest of my life!

I am fine, thank you, though well behind with blog reading (three days late, whoops). I’m losing weight though not getting any fitter. I suspect that when I’m thin I’ll be feeble too.

Since I’m just about to buy another £20 of credit for my phone for the first time this year, I don’t think I can justify getting an iPhone.

August is the month for wedding anniversaries around here, but this year a baby is due, not a marriage. Imminent. Daughter is expectant in every sense.

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