Apropos of… something..

I am not out shopping today. Mainly because I do most of my shopping online. That and the fact that we have a night out tonight and Louise is already off out to get her hair done so I’m stuck in the house unless I fancy walking…

This moment I’m sitting on the sofa, the TV is tuned to… some food channel it seems… and there is a fresh pot of coffee gurgling away in the kitchen. I’m wondering what to have for lunch, but might wait until later as I slept in so still not that hungry.

I’ve checked my email, updated Twitter, purchased a new app for my iPhone (Speed Dial, going cheap today, looks great) and a soaking wet cat has just come in so I’d better finish this and go dry him with a big fluffy towel.

I say all of this as it seems I’m projecting a version of me here that isn’t really me. I’m not a nasty person who shouts at women pushing their babies in prams. I did it once, felt bad for it and recounted the tale here with a view to pitch it as something that wasn’t very nice but was possibly a little funny in a dark kinda way that maybe others would relate to.

I’ve said this before, so let me repeat. I am not this blog. I am not the person you’ve met in the pub once or twice. But I’ve said this before, quite recently.

Perhaps I’ll stop blogging about me. Perhaps, as I’ve changed, I need to change what I write here. Perhaps the coming year will be different. This blog has changed over the past year, and will, of course, continue to change in the future. However, this is the first time that I’ve been aware of the change myself. It doesn’t feel natural, it feels forced, and that means that it’s no longer just a fun hobby, it’s now, whilst not a chore, certainly something that I have to think twice about.

I’m not entirely sure, but this has been building for a while so, I guess, consider yourself forewarned. This blog is changing…. somehow… for some reason… roll on 2009?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Hang on… if you’re not the bloke I met in a pub, then who was he? An imposter??

I feel slightly unnerved.

Everyone’s changed.
Blogging’s changed too.

I don’t know what to do about it either.

If I can change, YOU can change.
We can ALL change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
(Rocky IV!!!!! lmao)

You sound depressed rofl

“I am not the person you’ve met in the pub once or twice..” If you’re gonna do any changing, change back to him; this blog SHOULD be about him. Or did you mean the kind of “changing” that results in your green muscles bursting out through your shirt whilst leaving your trousers perfectly intact?

“Don’t go changin'”

Couldn’t stop myself there. Sometimes the Joel is strong within me.

All change is good, that’s what hippies say. Except the change that you don’t like. That change is bad. But hippies tend not to mention that. Hippies are important though, despite their change-related philosophies. Without hippies, our leggies wouldn’t work.


Ian's Mum says:

Anybody watch sunday’s ‘Outnumbered’? My other half discovered, watching this that he had changed into the old Dad. He was most upset and has not watched the History Channel since.
We all change, Gordon and on the Festive blog be glad of all those X Y and Z people ours are all dissapearing and that’s why we are so glad to see you all at new year! You will be there?

Wife! says:

I think that the blog is no longer about you, as we, your family and friends read it and you can no longer express what you really feel without fear of offending someone. Me included

To this end, my New Year resolution will be to NOT read your blog.

You enjoy this too much to give it up. If you are doing any changing, then I’m with Neil on this one.

Have fun, express yourself and get things out of your system

Love you.

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