Snow White

It’s March 3rd and we have about 3 inches of snow on the ground and it’s still falling. Ehhh, hello? Spring??

Louise tried to get to work twice this morning, and on her second attempt it took her an hour to get all of 8 miles so she turned round and came back home. I’m still not 100% so decided to stay at home the next couple of days, which is just as well as I wouldn’t have gotten to work this morning anyway!

I’m slowly recovering but still very lethargic with small bursts of energy leaving me completely drained. Writing this blog post, for example, will equal about a 20 minute doze on the couch later. Still it’s good to be able to do something, even if it’s very little and I’m hoping to be back to work later this week.

The timing of this is, of course, perfect. Perfectly awful that is… we are getting our new kitchen installed on Thursday this week and there is painting, plastering to be done, the removal of the cooker and dishwasher, the lifting of the floor… not to mention a myriad of other small jobs that we wanted done before the fitters arrived.

At this point I’ll thank my sister-in-law, my youngest nephew and my brother-in-law for coming over last weekend to help out. Claire and Mark removed all the tiles from the kitchen, and Paul helped remove some cabinets, all whilst I lay in bed trying to stay awake. What a great family. My parents will be helping once the kitchen is fitted as well, so at least Louise isn’t having to do everything.

I feel completely useless of course, and have made small attempts at helping, a little Polyfilla here, moving some things there, not much but at least I’m doing something!

That said, thanks for the well wishes. I am getting better, I slept all the way through last night without coughing once! (small victories and all that). I’ve another 4 weeks or so of antibiotics to get through but at least I am feeling a little better.

What about you? How are you? What have I missed??

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Nowhere near as eventful as you, obviously.

New bathroom – done, just needs tiling/painting, which we’ll do over the next couple of weeks.
New contract – started today, going OK so far, see how it all works out.

Not much else, really. Could be worse.

We’ve no snow down here. There was a little on the cars this morning, but nothing like you good people in the central belt have had. I was so surprised when I went up to East Kilbride this morning!

I’ve replaced some glass in the greenhouse and started some trays of flower seeds. Roll on spring!

I’m glad you’re on the mend!

It’s been snowing here, but not quite to that extent. Thankfully. This cold/flu thing which is doing the rounds is a killer – this is my fourth week, and now I’m finished the antibiotics for the chest infection part I have a horrible feeling it’s making its return.

Ian's mum says:

An hour from Motherwell to Hamilton at lunchtime on monday! Cars and buses sliding all over the place, imagining how I would look flat like the cartoons! Then no connection to our broadband.. so I am doing this from work. I will call Susan later to talk me through it if hers is working now. Who knew that it would be missed so much…not us. Glad you are feeling a bit better, just shout (croak?) if you need any help, I am very good at going to the skips.

PS Did you go for the red kitchen?

Yes we went for the red kitchen. Photos will follow I’m sure.

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