Almost finished

Reading time: < 1 min Bye bye 2009, almost. It’s been…. well for the most part it’s been fun, it’s been good, I’ve learnt a lot, and will take some of that into the coming year. Christmas was, as ever, a mixbag of anti-climax, lots of food, laughter, some alcohol and a nasty hacking cough. I have resolutions ready, one […]

Santa is on his way

Reading time: < 1 min So, go on then, which list are you on? Naughty or Nice? Naughty for me, without doubt, and frankly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Those “Nice” kids have no fun whatsoever, life is too short. I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve already, but then as my sleeping patterns are all fucked up as […]

Present and Future

Reading time: < 1 min As we roll into the holiday season, I’m going to be pausing this blog until the New Year. I’ve found it tricky at times to get into a regular posting schedule here, so that’s something I’m hoping to rectify in 2010. Looking back it’s been a good year for me, and I’m hoping to take […]


Reading time: 2 mins I can remember the first time I heard it, in the Clyde Bar in Helensburgh. Raw, explosive, vitriolic and, to my 17yr old ears, a spitting hammer blow through my music collection. I bought the CD that weekend and as soon as I got home, rushed up to my room, closed the door (I’m not […]

Technical Documentation Know-how

Reading time: < 1 min A few days ago I received an email about a new website. I’ve seen it mentioned on other blogs but think it’s worth repeating as there is some useful information there. I am contacting you because I have just thought that maybe a post about my new web site on software documentation and user assistance […]

A new view

Reading time: 3 mins A few years ago, having bought my first digital camera, I realised there was much more to taking a photograph than just “point and shoot” and I started to consider the machinations of photography a bit more seriously, I read up on things like exposure, aperture, f-stops and other things with odd names to make […]